Home » There’s No Law Against This

There’s No Law Against This

Hey, Ross here:

And here’s an interesting chart for all the pessimists out there talking about how this is nothing but a “bear market rally”.

Chart of the Day

I saw this chart by a market strategist over at eToro – and I knew I had to share it.

What it shows is that if the S&P 500 does go and make a new low – then this would be the second longest bear market rally since 1950.

The longest bear market rally since then was right after the bursting of the tech bubble, which lasted 194 trading days.

Now, does this mean we are guaranteed 100% to NOT be in a bear market rally right now?

Of course not – there are simply no guarantees in the stock market.

But it certainly does lend evidence to the narrative that we are in an actual rally – one that’s kicking off a new bull market.

P.S. Want me to send you special trade prospects and potential market moves directly to your phone? Text the word ross to 74121.

Insight of the Day

Just because you ride a rally doesn’t mean you need to stay on it.

If you chose to sit out this rally – whether it’s a bear market rally or not – you’ve already missed out.

Because even if it is a bear market rally – there’s no law saying you have to stay on it. You can just ride it to the top and get out if it starts sinking.

That’s how the big institutions do it. 

In fact, they’re powerful enough that they can even cause some of these rallies themselves…

Meaning if you can get in on the “ground floor” with them – you could make an absolute killing.

Find out how to do that by clicking here.

Embrace the surge,

Ross Givens
Editor, Stock Surge Daily

Brand New Strategy for Profiting from AI Stocks.

There’s a brand-new strategy in 2024 for going after big profits in AI stocks. It has nothing to do with Nvidia, Microsoft, Meta – or any of the big AI stocks the media can’t stop talking about.

It has to do with a fast-moving “backdoor” that has opened in the AI market... A backdoor that could send a very special class of AI stocks rocketing into the stratosphere.

Ross Givens
Ross Givens

I bought my first stock when I was 12 years old. It was Microsoft. I’ve been a registered financial advisor. I’ve worked as a stock broker. I ran a managed fund. I was a Vice President at JP Morgan with Series 7, Series 66 and Series 3 securities licenses. I’ve been featured on Fox Business, CNBC, Bloomberg, and a bunch of other networks. The only thing I enjoy more than making money, is helping YOU make money.

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Tech stocks are rallying – and Ross Givens’ #1 Tech Stock of the Decade has been making BIG moves you don’t want to miss.

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