Home » Big Opportunity Most Traders are Ignoring

Big Opportunity Most Traders are Ignoring

Hey, Ross here:

Markets are closed today for Good Friday.

But I’m writing this newsletter anyway – because there’s a big opportunity most traders are ignoring.

Chart of the Day

Source: @carlquintanilla via X

Yesterday, I showed a chart showing how underlying productivity for S&P 500 companies are posting gains for the first time in 15 years – a good sign.

But today, I want to highlight a related opportunity that most traders are missing.

Because as these two charts show, from both a sales growth and earnings-per-share perspective…

Small-cap stocks are both faster growing AND cheaper than their large-cap counterparts.

In short, they’re delivering more value for a lower price.

If you’re not content with average returns – this is where you need to be looking.

Insight of the Day

The challenge with small-cap stocks is their higher variance – winners do better, losers do worse.

As a whole, small-cap stocks are more attractive right now.

But the thing with small-cap stocks is their higher variance – winners do better, losers do worse.

In other words, this is where your trading edge really plays a role in your returns.

And that’s why later today at 11 a.m. Eastern…

I’m going LIVE for a masterclass that will show you exactly how to use this edge for yourself…

So you too will be able to target big fast gains like the above – even if the broader market pulls back sharply.

So make sure you click here to guarantee your seat at my masterclass later…

Look out for the login details in your inbox shortly…

And I’ll see you at 11 a.m. ET sharp.

Embrace the surge,

Ross Givens
Editor, Stock Surge Daily

Brand New Strategy for Profiting from AI Stocks.

There’s a brand-new strategy in 2024 for going after big profits in AI stocks. It has nothing to do with Nvidia, Microsoft, Meta – or any of the big AI stocks the media can’t stop talking about.

It has to do with a fast-moving “backdoor” that has opened in the AI market... A backdoor that could send a very special class of AI stocks rocketing into the stratosphere.

Ross Givens
Ross Givens

I bought my first stock when I was 12 years old. It was Microsoft. I’ve been a registered financial advisor. I’ve worked as a stock broker. I ran a managed fund. I was a Vice President at JP Morgan with Series 7, Series 66 and Series 3 securities licenses. I’ve been featured on Fox Business, CNBC, Bloomberg, and a bunch of other networks. The only thing I enjoy more than making money, is helping YOU make money.

With Ross Givens

Looking for an edge? Ross has the inside scoop on top analysis that will help grow your portfolio.. Receive a new stock opportunity every day and get ready to see your investment SURGE!

Tech stocks are rallying – and Ross Givens’ #1 Tech Stock of the Decade has been making BIG moves you don’t want to miss.

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